Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Someone Bigger


Here's a song, that I wrote, and I turned it into a poem, that I 

thought would later go with my story. I hope you all like it!

I used to love

to look upon the ocean.

It gave me strength

to see its mighty waves.

Or go exploring through 

woods and everlasting forests

or bring a friend and explore ongoing caves.

I'd climb a mountain

hear breezes call

I'd run up a hill, see a water fall

I'd long for adventures,

the sights I could see, 

but never knowing,

Someone's bigger than me.

I couldn't imagine 

Someone bigger than the mountain.

Or Someone mightier than the roaring waves.

So instead of longing for places on earth,

I'd grab my guitar and see,

If it's worth,

to long for a place that the world cannot provide.

I'll shout it out, and sing to the sky 

That the wonder of existence

is the Lord Most High!



Todd the Spectacular Chp. 5

C hapterFive The Lovingale I was actually the last one out. Felix said I was being dramatic, and maybe I was, but for a moment I stayed in t...