Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Prince & Princess of Ireland

   Chapter Five- Destiny Changed 

Torin turned around to see a girl standing there. She had long brown hair with a pink bow tied up in it. She looked very fancy. She wore a golden chain around her neck and a fancy white dress. She looked thirteen. 

"Who are you?" Elda asked, impatient for the girl to respond.

"You don't know? I'm Isabelle." She said. She looked at Torin, and smiled. Elda noticed and stepped right in front of him.

"What do you mean, 'you don't know'?" Elda said. "The girl laughed. "I'm your cousin, from Britain. We would always play together, don't you remember?" 

"You sure don't sound, like you're our cousin. You don't sound Irish at all."

The girl laughed again. "Well, I'm not Irish, silly! I was a princess in Britain, until-oh, that fateful day!" Torin stepped closer. "What happened Isabelle?" He said, his interest growing.

"That was the day my Papa died. And our castle burned down to the ground. Everyone was dead-except us, of course. But everyone else thought, we were also dead. So they didn't even bother to rebuild the castle! And now we're stuck on this wretched island!" The girl burst into (rather dramatic) tears. Torin pulled out a handkerchief and handed it to her. Elda's mouth dropped open.

After the girl was done her sobbing, she sniffled and said, "let me show you my mother. She's Irish. Maybe she can tell you about your-......I shouldn't say any more."

Torin and Elda exchanged glances and followed Isabelle down a long dark hallway. She kept walking, until they reached a big open room, with windows that reached to the ceiling. A big desk was there and a lady with glasses sat there writing. 

"Mother," Isabelle said. "They're finally here." The two twins looked at each other again, this time a lot more confused.

The lady looked up and opened her mouth to talk, and then pointed at them. "You-what? Ar-are you re-really it?" She looked so excited, she could explode. "I'm sorry, what?" Torin asked. The lady clapped her hands, ran over, and smothered them in a big bear hug. "Yay!" She said. 

"We're not sure we understand." Elda said. 

"You don't? Oh-oh. Oh! Yes, I understand, it's just that-they never told you?" 

"Never told us what?"

"Y-you're not Irish." 

"What? We speak Irish." "Oh, yes, that's because you grew up in Ireland. But really, you're Scottish. "Scottish?" "Yes, Scottish indeed. Well, um....lets sit down and talk a bit."

They four sat down and the lady began. "First things first. I'm your Aunt Darla. I'm Irish, but you're Scottish. Also, your were never your actual parents. They took you in when you real parents died."

The twins looked down. Torin then asked. "But why were you so flabbergasted to see us?" Aunt Darla grinned and said. "Don't ya worry. We'll get to that part, soon enough." She began again. "Your home is in Scotland, many miles from here. I'm afraid you'll have to be leaving tomorrow." "But how did you know? What if we're the wrong people? And what were the coins for?" 

"Oh the coins! You found each one?" "Yes." "Then you truly are the right twins. Are you ready for the biggest surprise of your life? You two are royal." Everyone was silent. "You two are prince and Princess of Scotland. Your castle's still there, waiting for you! You have to go, my friends. Your destiny's been unleashed!" Elda hung her mouth open and Torin's eyes widened with excitement. "Truly?" They asked together. 

"Very truly." They both hugged Aunt Darla. "Now wee ones. Rest up, and tomorrow you'll begin your journey to regain the crown. Now my darlings, go to sleep and build up your strength."


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