Thursday, May 26, 2022

Artemis Breaker Chp. 2

C H A P T E R 


A Queer Disappearance 

A S   G O S S I P  spread through town, people began to wonder about the strange artist who had  suddenly disappeared. Word got out, and rumors were spread. Artemis knew that if the townspeople were to find out she was dead, they would ask questions. But Artemis promised himself they would never find out the whole truth. If they knew she was murdered, their entire reputation and honor would be destroyed forever.

Athena burst through the door with a bucket of water in her hand. She set it down on the ground. “I’m going to brew some tea.”

“I don’t want any.”

Athena looked down. “I talked to Armand.”

“I know. He cried.” Artemis put a log on the fire. Times were tough in Jamestown, when winter came. “Don’t say anymore.”

“I thought you wanted him to believe Mother was on a trip.”

“He’s just too smart, he probably already knows. He’s so young. He doesn’t deserve this.”

Athena straightened up. “Artie, get up. It’s been a week. You’ve had your time to grieve. It’s time to get back to life.”

Artemis shot a warning look at her. “Don’t you see? What life is there? We’re orphans. Orphans are useless. You see the beggars that were raised orphans. They’re pathetic.”

“They refuse to get a job, yes. But that’s not your concern. Now get up!” Athen now stood with hands on her hips, angry as a mad hen.

Artemis stood. “You know ‘Thena, every time we’ve tried to talk, it just turns out to be an argument.”

“Dare we try again?”

“No, ‘Thena. You listen to me and do what I bid you. But no more. If Armand sees us fighting…he’ll know.”

Athena scoffed. “So that’s it? Let’s just completely stop talking to each other, for the child’s sake.”

“Yes! It’s bad enough we’ve fallen apart, but I’m not going to let my brother fall apart either!”

“Maybe you have. But I haven’t. I’m going to grow up and be the first one to fly to the moon, or the most famous scientist to ever have lived. But I’m not going to sit in that chair and watch life fade away.”

Artemis looked at the fire withering. He poured coffee on it. “I’m going to town. Stay here.”

“What will you do?” 

Artemis shrugged. “I’m sure we need supplies.” He stood up, grabbed his hat, and fled out the door.

The snow began to fall harder but Artemis didn’t seem to notice. And as time went on, the moments turned into hours.

Athena watched by the window, worried sick. Armand tugged on her skirt. 

“What is it?”

“I’m hungry. We haven’t any meal.”

Athena sighed and went to check the cupboards. “I’m sure we have something.” But her confidence was to no avail. For she knew what lay beyond the cupboard doors.

“Why are we always hungry? Why must we be so poor? Now we’re orphans!”

Athena gasped. “Wh-why would you say something like that?”

Little Armand sniffled lightly. “Mama’s gone.”

The house was silent for a moment. And then Athena felt the overwhelming wave of truth wash over her. That, yes. Mama was gone. Gone forever. Just like Papa.

Athena brushed her thoughts passed her. “Artemis will bring home food.” Athena glanced out the window. It looked to be a howling mess outside. “It’s a blizzard.” She whispered. She turned to the eight-year-old boy. “Armand. I need you to stay here. I am going out to find Artemis.”

Athena grabbed her coat and wrap and dashed outside. The strong force of the wind made it almost impossible to stand up straight. But she pressed on.

“Artemis!” Her voice hardly carried over the wind, and she was sure he couldn’t hear her.

Artemis heard the distinct voices inside.

“And you killed her?” A plump man questioned.

The man—the killer who killed Mother, stood there, still bundled up. You could hardly see his face. 

“I did what I thought what best. I couldn’t trust her. She could get us all hanged.”

The plump man sighed and ran his chubby fingers over the smooth sides of the chair. “Do you think they have….allies, perhaps?”

The man shook his head. “They looked secretive. But…”


The killer hesitated.

“Out with it!”
Artemis gasped. He recognized that voice. “Mr. Beltifar.” He said to himself. He had been his father’s work partner and true friend. He also owned almost everything in Jamestown.

The killer approached quietly. “They have children.”

Beltifar eyed him suspiciously. “You are afraid of children, now?”

“No. But what I’ve heard…their family is strange. Evil, perhaps.”

“What?” Artemis covered his mouth. He spoke loudly than he should have.

“Did you hear that?” Beltifar walked to the window. 

Artemis sat underneath, still as a stone, praying he wouldn’t get caught. Or he would be the next to go..

“They have strange names. Greek names. Some say, they study mythology. The girl gets taught by her brother. She’s smart. He’s…clever.”

Beltifar leaned back in his chair. “What do you propose we do? And also, what shall I call you? I have yet to know your name.”

“Rage. Matthias Rage.”

Beltifar chuckled. “Rage? Oh, well, people don’t get to pick out their names. Anyway, you didn’t answer my first question.”

“I don’t think it’s right to do so…”

“Do what? I haven’t got all day!”

“Kill them.”

“Kill the children?”


Beltifar shrugged. “Fine. But make it silent and quick. Not too painful. I used to know these children. And yes, very bright.”

Matthias tipped his hat.

Athena walked out in the blizzard, and could hardly see her own hand in front of her face. Then she saw an orange light. It was the light in a window. 


Artemis gasped. “No.” He whispered.

Matthias ran outside. “Who’s out there?” He yelled. He saw Athena. He prepared his gun and just as he shot, Artemis sped across the yard and pushed her from the way.

“You’re crazy!” He stumbled to get up but couldn’t.

“What is it? What is it?”

Artemis looked at his hand. Blood dripped down. “I’ve been shot.”

“We’ll get you a doctor!”

“No! They’re going to kill us.” 

The snow got thicker and Matthias couldn’t see them no longer.

That gave them a chance to get away.

“We need to go home.”

“And then we need to leave. They know where we live.”

Athena put her arm under his and helped him walk. The bullet was deep into his leg.

Matthias looked out into the whiteness of the blizzard. “I’ll find you. I’ll find very last one of you.”

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Artemis Breaker Chp. 1

 Hi everyone, it’s been a long time since I last posted, hasn’t it??

Here’s a story, that I don’t remember if I already mentioned, but anyways here it is. It’s not finished, though…I didn’t get bored of it, I just lost where I was going with it. 

Hope you don’t think it’s dumb!

The  A D V E N T U R E S of 

A R T E M I S   B R E A K E R 

Fate Unfolded


A R TE M I S  gasped. Two men stood by his  mother. They seemed to be questioning her.

“I promise, I don’t know. Please! I promise! He just disappeared! I don’t know where he went!”

A man slid out his knife and held it up to her neck.

Sweat trickled down Mother’s forehead. “I won’t say anything! No one will know you came! Please! I swear!”

Artemis watched from the fogged window and saw his own breath, out in the winter air. What did Mother do? He didn’t understand. But he was scared. Very scared.

“Please!” Mother pleaded.

The tall man put his face so close to her, she felt his reeking breath on her face. He narrowed his eyes and whispered, “You won’t say anything.”

Mother nodded. “Not a word. Not as long as my soul endures.”

The man’s eyes were fiery with hatred. “You won’t be able to talk when I kill you.”

Mother screamed. “I have children! They need me!”

“Well, that’s just too bad.” The killer got close.

Artemis buried his face in his hands. He swore to himself he would never forget that scream. Not if he lived forever. That scream would haunt him the rest of his days and follow him into his grave.

There was a thump. Mother’s lifeless body collapsed to the wood floor and the man heaved her onto his shoulder, his assistant trailing close behind. The younger man looked both ways and then blew out the candle. They walked down the steps and passed where Artemis was lurking in the bushes.

Artemis saw the once smiling and beautiful mother, now cold and still on the backs of those killers. He felt he should have stopped them. But he knew they would have killed him also. And then his little sister and brother would have no one to take care of them.

What would happen to them, Artemis didn’t know. They had been a quite strange family, that most people stayed away from. The girls were taught everything the boys were taught in school. And Mother had been so smart—and an artist. People thought she was some kind of a witch.

Artemis felt his chin. The cold truth would plague him until his death. He was an orphan. And now both his parents were murdered. His father disappeared nearly a decade ago. When someone came to his door, only a few years ago and bore the dreadful news of him being food poisoned, Artemis had ignored him. Not Father. Father was too strong for that. He had just wandered from home and lost his way. But he was coming back. And he was searching for Artemis and his family.

The boy, now fourteen, was smart and capable. He was quiet and had an interest in seeing how things work, along with reading and studying them. He didn’t have real friends, only the ones in books. But he didn’t care. He never did. But now, his life seemed to just fall apart and fate unfolded before his very eyes.

His siblings would be coming home from the preacher’s house any moment. Mother had been feeling ill and her paintings weren’t as bright and vivid as they once were. Artemis stayed home and took care of her, while the children stayed from the way.

Artemis went inside. There was a faint bloodstain. The men must’ve tried to clean it, but failed to do so. That haunting blood stain would stay there until the house withered away. How would he explain when Athena would question it?


Artemis sat on the rocking chair by the glowing hearth. He didn’t even notice his sister come in.


He looked up. His sister stood before him, books in hand.


She looked to the floor. “Where is Mother?” Her voice was concerned and serious. 

The expression on her brother’s face and the grief in his eyes explained it all.

“What? Why?” She dropped her books onto the floor. “She didn’t do anything. They just…killed her?”

Artemis looked into the fire.

Athena sighed with depression. “What do I tell Armand?” Her shaky voice trembled and tears dared to escape her eyes. But she held strong. She would be strong for her brother as long as she needed to be.

“Don’t.” Artemis never once looked away from the fire.

“Will you look at me?” Athena wiped her tears on her coat. 

“Tell him,” he began, “tell him Mother went on a trip. She’ll won’t be back for awhile.”

“You can’t do that to him. It will just hurt the more when he finds out the truth.”

“Just—” Artemis looked at her with desperation lingering in his eyes,“tell him.”

Athena sighed and nodded her head. “Do you know where they took her?”

Artemis scowled at her. “If I knew where she was buried, I would be there. Go get Armand. Ready him for sleep.” His tone was harsh.

Athena left suddenly and when she opened the door, the cold air blew in. 

Artemis looked through the small window and saw the snow falling gracefully. He wouldn’t cry. Not now, not ever. He needed to stay strong. He knew people disliked him and his family. He knew it would be hard. But he didn’t need anyone. He didn’t depend on anyone. And if he needed a job done, the first person he would go to would be himself.

Life had just gotten a lot harder and there was nothing anyone could do about it. Except Artemis Breaker himself. And himself was all he needed.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

Across the Sea Chp. 16



Colin and Fiona watched the sun set. They sat on the roof of the palace. 

Fiona sighed. “I can’t believe I’m seeing you again. I thought you would never come back.”

“I almost didn’t. I didn’t want to trust anyone but myself.”

“Colin. Sometimes it’s okay to need help.”

“I know. But Fiona…Ireland’s still our home. No matter how much you like it here.”

“I know Colin. I don’t know how all this happened. One day we were talking by the sea, and the next we were aboard the ship of the Barbary Pirates. And then…something inside me moved. And I had this longing to help Ronan. I didn’t want him to live a life of fear. He has a hard past, you know.”

“I can sense it in his eyes. And Fiona…I can’t help but feel that I shouldn’t see anything right now.”


“There was young slave boy on the ship. He was hurt and alone. But I felt that even in the darkness he probably saw more than I did. His eyes were open. Mine were sealed closed.”

“Everyone is like that, until they’re forgiven. Ronan freed those slaves. I hope that he will learn to trust God more. But I know he is on the right road.”

“Fiona…that day. The day when Ronan almost died, I pushed him overboard because he told me he’d marry you. I despised him for that and I wanted him dead. But now—there’s no one I’d rather trust than Ronan for you.”

“I know how you feel. It seems all so weird. I remember when I first laid eyes on him. I wanted to kick his perfectly white teeth out. But now, I feel God wants me to become his partner. He needs a friend.”

Colin sighed. “I think I should return to Ireland.”


“I feel guilt. Papa would’ve wanted us to live on the farm. Not here, with pirates.”

“But Colin, don’t you see? God wants us here. He wants us to change these pirates. What if we prevented more raids? What if we turned their hearts? I think…I think you belong here. On the sea, somewhere full of adventure. I think God wants you to change these people.”

Colin smiled. “I feel that too. But—” He wiped away a tear. “Mama and Papa are buried there.”

Fiona rested her arm around his shoulder. “Just listen for God’s instructions. If you feel He wants you there, in Ireland…go for it. But just know, you will always be welcome here.”

Colin turned to face her. “I think I will stay.”

Fiona laughed. “I would have never guessed this would be our purpose. But somehow, now, after everything thing that’s happened, it feels just right.”

“Yes. This is where our destiny lies. Across the sea.”

And that is the conclusion of my novelette! I hope you enjoyed! This was written when I was a bit younger, so I hope everything makes good sense.

Enjoy your day!


Hello to anyone who is reading... this  is officially the end of the Todd the Spectacular Posts!!! this book goes on for quite some time aft...